Renovated Me

best weight loss surgery, plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, gastric mini bypass, hair transplant, dental treatments, implants , in turkey. Affordable, safe, satisfactory results. best gastric sleeve surgeon, best plastic surgeon, most safe weight lost hospital in turkey.

Frequently Asked Questions



You may find most commonly asked questions regarding; surgery in Turkey, traveling abroad for medical service, how you can access to these services and comprehensive procedure Q/A'sIf there is something that you couldn't find your answer here, please do not hesitate to contact and ask us.

FAQ - Medical Treatments in Turkey
frequently asked questions.

How can I trust the doctors and hospitals?

Our doctors are internationally recognized specialists in their fields. They are continually improving their knowledge, the latest research, studies, accompanying seminars around the world to exchange experiences, along with daily practice to treat thousands of patients with successful results. The private clinics and hospitals that we offer for your treatment operate by world-class standards. You do not need to worry about hygiene, room comfort, food quality, and so on.

Are these cost savings due to lower standards of medicine in Turkey?

Absolutely not, the Turkish medical standards match up to the highly prescribed international standards. The lower costs are due to favourable currency conversion rates and lower costs of operating in Turkey.

Are the hospitals in Turkey well equipped and up to international standards?

Turkey has several private hospitals that are designed to provide world-class medical care. These hospitals utilise some of the best medical equipment that is available worldwide. Our hospitals are JCI accredited.

Can I speak to the doctor before going on my trip?

Renovated Me will be happy to arrange a phone consultation with the corresponding surgeon in Turkey and ensure that s/he answer all of your questions. We provide this as part of our total package, as we want you to be totally comfortable with your decision to go to Turkey for your medical needs.

After reaching Turkey, how do I go about my trip?

Renovated Me Medical assistance will be with you every step of the way; from meeting you at the airport when you land in Turkey, to the moment, you leave to fly back home. Their sole function is to provide you with any assistance that you may need. They will ensure that transportation is arranged to and from your accommodation to the hospital.

FAQ - Weight Loss Surgery / Bariatric Surgery
frequently asked questions.

Gastric Bypass - Gastric Sleeve Comparison

Both methods are effective and proven methods for weight loss. In the presence of hypertension, Type2 diabetes which accompanying obesity, Bypass is more advantageous than sleeve. Because bypass disrupts surgical absorption.

Bypass is better than Sleeve about in complete remission of the disease on especially taking oral antidiabetic or recently on insulin threatment Type2 Diabetes patients. 

If the patient has been using insulin for a long time, the effect of both surgeries is similar and the probability of recovery from Type2 is decreasing. 

Daily insulin needs will decrease due to weight loss. 

In addition, Gastric-bypass should also be preferred in patients who has severe gastroesophageal reflux disease and esophagitis signs.

In what situations should sleeve revised to Gastric Bypass?

Revision to the bypass should be planned for two reasons after sleeve gastrectomy.

The first of these is insufficient weight loss. If the patient has not lost 65% of the excess weight in 18 months after the sleeve gastrectomy surgery, it is considered unsuccessful in terms of weight loss  and the patient's condition should be reviewed and revision should be planned.

The second one is the complication of sleeve gastrectomy surgery. In the early or late period after sleeve gastrectomy surgery, the twisting of the stomach in the abdomen may cause problems by solid food intake. First trying to improve with endoscopic methods. However, if it fails, a by-pass revision can be planned.

In addition, revision gastric bypass should be planned in order to prevent the progression of small ulcers (esophagitis) that will occur at the lower end of the esophagus due to reflux after the gastric sleeve surgery.

What is the success rates of Gastric Bypass and Gastric Sleeve?

There is no statistical difference between Sleeve gastrectomy and Gastric Bypass in the weight loss meta-analysis evaluations. Respectively weight loss rates, %72,4 and %76,7 in the first year,  %71,9 and %77,4 in the second year, %61,1 and %68,3 in the fifth year.

Will I need painkillers after Weight Loss Surgery?

Since the operations are performed laparoscopic, there will be no need for any pain killers, except for the first few days after the operation.

When can I go back to work after Weight Loss Surgery?

On the 7th day after the operation, it is possible to return to work that does not require body movements like office works.  However, if working in a sector that requires lifting weights, this period should be at least 1 month. In addition, the form containing the necessary information about your surgery can be arranged by our hospital if requested.

How many days in hospital for Weight Loss Surgery? Is a companion required?

You will be admitted to the hospital on the day of your surgery and depending on the procedure of the surgery to be performed, 2 or 3 nights of hospitalization will be required. During this period, a patient relative may accompany you.

How mobile will I be after Weight Loss Surgery?

Approximately 6 hours after the operation, mobilization will begin with an accompanying person and the next day you will be mobilized without any assistance.

Can I drive after Weight Loss Surgery?

We do not recommend driving a vehicle for the first 1 week after surgery unless it is absolutely necessary.

Which post-surgical complications may occurs after Weight Loss Surgery?

The most feared complication after sleeve gastrectomy is leakage. Although this complication is observed more frequently in elderly, male and smokers. Its incidence is 2.1% (1.1-5.3%) after surgery. The risk of death due to surgery is 0.4%.Apart from these, <1% bleeding and <1% pulmonary embolism due to deep vein thrombosis may be seen.

Is there anything I can do to reduce the Weight Loss complications risks?

Since both leakage and pulmonary complications are observed more frequently, especially in smokers, smoking should be stopped (at least 1 month before) in the preoperative period.In addition, a low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet for 15 days before the surgery will also reduce the complications associated with surgery.

Who should I call for recommendations and suggestions after Weight Loss Surgery?

You can get information and support after the surgery from the team that operated you.

Complications associated with the gallbladder in Weight Loss Surgery?

There is a relationship between obesity and gallstones. In addition, the risk of developing gallstones increases with the effect of rapid weight loss after bariatric surgery. If the patients do not have any complaints related to stones in the gallbladder, they should be expected to lose enough weight for gallbladder surgery.

How big are the Weight Loss Surgery scars?

Since the operation is performed with the laparoscopic method, large surgical scars do not occur. A total of 5 post entry scar tissue will be formed (two of them are 12 mm and 3 of them are 5 mm).  And with the scar removal creams, there will be almost no surgical scars.

What consultations will be made before Weight Loss operations?

A dietitian and psychiatrist will be interviewed before the surgery and the anesthesia consultation necessary before the surgery. As a result of the evaluation of the anesthesiologist, the opinion of the cardiology or chest diseases physicians will also be given.

Do I need to do liver reducing diet before Weight Loss Surgeries?

A low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet for 15 days before surgery is aimed at regressing liver fat. As a result, the complications associated with the surgery will be reduced.

When will the post-surgical check-ups be after Weight Loss Surgery?

Ideally, controls may be performed on 10th day, 1st month, 3rd month, 6th month and 1st year after surgery and thereafter the control will continue once a year.

Should I use blood thinners for Weight Loss Surgery?

In the postoperative period, low molecular weight heparin should be used for 15 days. Patients can easily make this injection at home.

Is Vitamin B12 necessary after Weight Loss Surgery?

Decreased vitamin intake and absorption after bariatric surgery vitamin B12 deficiency may occur. After the blood level is checked, necessary support will be required.

Do I need long-term vitamin support after Weight Loss Surgery?

Vitamin support will be necessary, especially in the first postoperative period. However, the vitamin can be discontinued after dietary intake reaches a normal level.

Will I continue to take my regular medications after Weight Loss Surgery?

Type 2 diabetes and hypertension regressions are  expected after bariatric surgery. The patient would need to stop taking medications for these conditions. However, medication for other conditions may continue.

Which foods should be avoided after Weight Loss Surgery?

Avoiding high-calorie carbohydrate consumption is important in terms of both weight loss and preventing the risk of regaining weight.  In addition, alcohol intake should be avoided due to the presence of high calories.

What happens if I eat too much after Weight Loss Surgery?

In the first 3 months after bariatric surgery, there will be a decrease in appetite due to hormonal effects, and there will be no feeling of eating more. However, in the ongoing process, an increase in appetite will occur again. During this period, there may be a desire to overeat. If this happens, vomiting may occur. This is not a very desirable situation after surgery.

Will I have hair loss after Weight Loss Surgery?

After bariatric surgery, a significant number of patients (>50%) may experience hair loss that starts after the third month.However, hair loss is not a permanent condition. Hair loss especially occurs more; in young female patients and in the patient group with low serum zinc, folic acid and ferritin values
Source: (

When can I start exercising after Weight Loss Surgery?

You can start walking for 20 minutes daily in the 1st week after the surgery. This time should be gradually increased and at the end of the first month, it should be increased to 45 minutes at moderate pace. After the 1st month, body exercises can be started with a personal trainer. Swimming preferably is the most suiting exercise for reshaping bodied muscle structure.

For how long will my diet continue as liquid after Weight Loss Surgery?

Full liquid diet for 10-14 days after surgery and after that, the mixer bleded diet will be started. At the end of the 1st month, it will continue with unground soft foods.

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